Complete programme
The whole programme is detailed in the next table for both specializations:
Module | Subject | Sem. | ECTS | University |
1. Resource and marine environment | Ocean wave energy and offshore wind energy assessment | 2 | 4.5 | UPV-EHU |
Water waves and sea states modelling | 3 | 4 | ECN | |
2. Theoretical foundations: early marine energy conversion | Environmental hydrodinamics | 1 | 5 | UCC |
Control engineering I | 1 | 5 | UCC | |
Advanced fluid dynamics modelling for marine engineering applications | 2 | 4.5 | UPV/EHU | |
Theoretical and numerical aspects in fluid dynamics and turbulent flow | 2 | 3 | UPV/EHU | |
Computational fluid dynamics for turbulent flow | 2 | 3 | UPV/EHU | |
Modelling of wind/marine current turbine-driven electric generators | 2 | 3 | UPV/EHU | |
Wave to wire control | 2 | 4.5 | UPV/EHU | |
Applied electromagnetics in power engineering | 3 | 7.5 | NTNU | |
General concepts of hydrodynamics | 3 | 4 | ECN | |
Numerical hydrodynamics | 3 | 5 | ECN | |
Experimental hydrodynamics | 3 | 5 | ECN | |
3. Conversion technologies | Wind energy engineering | 1 | 5 | UCC |
Ocean energy | 1 | 5 | UCC | |
Power Electronic Systems and Components, Specialisation Course | 3 | 7.5 | NTNU | |
Electric Drives | 3 | 7.5 | NTNU | |
Marine renewable energy | 3 | 5 | ECN | |
4. Connection and integration into the electricity grid | Electrical power engineering I | 1 | 5 | UCC |
Integration of renewable energy into the electricity system | 2 | 3 | UPV/EHU | |
Operation of transmission and distribution networks | 2 | 3 | UPV/EHU | |
Power electronics in offshore power systems | 2 | 3 | UPV/EHU | |
Power System Operation and Analysis, Specialisation Course | 3 | 7.5 | NTNU | |
Power system analysis 2 | 3 | 7.5 | NTNU | |
5. Engineering, development and management of offshore parks | Hydraulics | 1 | 5 | UCC |
Data analytics for engineering | 1 | 5 | UCC | |
Environmental conditions for marine renewable concepts | 2 | 3 | UPV/EHU | |
Operations and maintenance of marine energy arrays | 2 | 3 | UPV/EHU | |
Wave-structure interactions and moorings | 3 | 5 | ECN | |
6. Environmental, economic and legal aspects of marine renewable energy | Sustainable energy | 1 | 5 | UCC |
Civil engineering systems | 1 | 5 | UCC | |
7. Local culture | Basque language and culture | 2 | 3 | UPV/EHU |
French language and culture | 3 | 2 | ECN | |
8. MASTER THESIS | – | 4 | 30 | ALL |
Table 1. REM PLUS full programme.
In this table, the sequencing of all the subjects in semesters according to the different modules for both specializations is summarized.
Below tables show the programme split into the two tracks, where the concatenation of the subjects in the different semesters can be observed in a more clearly way.
Specialization A:
Module | Subject | Sem. | ECTS | University |
1. Resource and marine environment | Ocean wave energy and offshore wind energy assessment | 2 | 4.5 | UPV-EHU |
Water waves and sea states modelling | 3 | 4 | ECN | |
2. Theoretical foundations: early marine energy conversion | Environmental hydrodynamics | 1 | 5 | UCC |
Advanced fluid dynamics modelling for marine engineering applications | 2 | 4.5 | UPV/EHU | |
Theoretical and numerical aspects in fluid dynamics and turbulent flow | 2 | 3 | UPV/EHU | |
Computational fluid dynamics for turbulent flow | 2 | 3 | UPV/EHU | |
Introduction to hydrodynamics | 3 | 4 | ECN | |
Numerical hydrodynamics | 3 | 5 | ECN | |
Experimental hydrodynamics | 3 | 5 | ECN | |
3. Conversion technologies | Ocean energy | 1 | 5 | UCC |
Marine renewable energy | 3 | 5 | ECN | |
4. Connection and integration into the electricity grid | Integration of renewable energy into the electricity system | 2 | 3 | UPV/EHU |
Operation of transmission and distribution networks | 2 | 3 | UPV/EHU | |
5. Engineering, development and management of offshore parks | Hydraulics | 1 | 5 | UCC |
Data analytics for engineering | 1 | 5 | UCC | |
Environmental conditions for marine renewable concepts | 2 | 3 | UPV/EHU | |
Operations and maintenance of marine energy arrays | 2 | 3 | UPV/EHU | |
Wave-structure interactions and moorings | 3 | 5 | ECN | |
6. Environmental, economic and legal aspects of marine renewable energy | Sustainable energy | 1 | 5 | UCC |
Civil engineering systems | 1 | 5 | UCC | |
7. Local culture | Basque language and culture | 2 | 3 | UPV/EHU |
French language and culture | 3 | 2 | ECN | |
8. MASTER THESIS | – | 4 | 30 | ALL |
Table 2. REM PLUS programme for specialization A.
Specialization B:
Module | Subject | Sem. | ECTS | University |
1. Resource and marine environment | Ocean wave energy and offshore wind energy assessment | 2 | 4.5 | UPV-EHU |
2. Theoretical foundations: early marine energy conversion | Control engineering I | 1 | 5 | UCC |
Modelling of wind/marine current turbine-driven electric generators | 2 | 3 | UPV/EHU | |
Wave to wire control | 2 | 4.5 | UPV/EHU | |
Applied electromagnetics in power engineering | 3 | 7.5 | NTNU | |
3. Conversion technologies | Wind energy engineering | 1 | 5 | UCC |
Ocean energy | 1 | 5 | UCC | |
Power Electronic Systems and Components, Specialisation Course | 3 | 7.5 | NTNU | |
Electric Drives | 3 | 7.5 | NTNU | |
4. Connection and integration into the electricity grid | Electrical power engineering I | 1 | 5 | UCC |
Integration of renewable energy into the electricity system | 2 | 3 | UPV/EHU | |
Operation of transmission and distribution networks | 2 | 3 | UPV/EHU | |
Power electronics in offshore power systems | 2 | 3 | UPV/EHU | |
Power System Operation and Analysis, Specialisation Course | 3 | 7.5 | NTNU | |
Power system analysis 2 | 3 | 7.5 | NTNU | |
5. Engineering, development and management of offshore parks | Environmental conditions for marine renewable concepts | 2 | 3 | UPV/EHU |
Operations and maintenance of marine energy arrays | 2 | 3 | UPV/EHU | |
6. Environmental, economic and legal aspects of marine renewable energy | Sustainable energy | 1 | 5 | UCC |
Civil engineering systems | 1 | 5 | UCC | |
7. Local culture | Basque language and culture | 2 | 3 | UPV/EHU |
8. MASTER THESIS | – | 4 | 30 | ALL |
Table 3. REM PLUS programme for specialization B.
[last update = 04/27/2022]