We are delighted to announce that abstract submissions for EWTEC 2023 are now open. Full details including submission guidelines are available on the EWTEC web site.
About the conference
The 15th EWTEC conference is being hosted by the The University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) through the Bilbao School of Engineering from 3–7 September 2023, welcoming the wave and tidal community to the region for the third time after hosting ICOE 2010 in Bilbao and ICOE 2022 (in San Sabastian).
The conference will be located in the centre of Bilbao, hosted at the Paraninfo Hall of the University, an emblematic modern building designed by the laureated Portuguese architect Álvaro Siza, close to both the Iberdrola Tower and the Guggenheim Museum.
The Basque Government, through its Energy Agency (EVE) has been promoting ocean energy since 2004. In 2011, a world first, the Mutriku plant was constructed, using Oscillating Water Column (OWC) technology with 16 turbines and a total power of 300 kW. In 2016, the first floating wave energy device, was installed and connected to the grid at BIMEP (Biscay Marine Energy Platform).
Abstract submission
Abstract submission closes on 28th January 2023. The EWTEC 2023 Themes are:
- Wave / tidal resource characterization.
- Wave / tidal device development and testing.
- Wave / tidal hydrodynamic modelling.
- Grid integration, PTO & control.
- Station keeping, moorings and foundations.
- Structural mechanics – materials, fatigue, loadings.
- Environmental impact and appraisal.
- Operations, maintenance and decommissioning.
- Economical, social, legal and political aspects of ocean energy.
Find out more and submit your abstract now. Note that abstract submissions have moved to a new system and you may have received an e-mail with new account details if you previously had an account on the old system. Please see the EWTEC web site for more information.
We look forward to welcoming you to Bilbao for EWTEC 2023.
Dr Jesús María Blanco Ilzarbe – Chair of EWTEC 2023
Universidad del País Vasco / E.H.U.
Departamento de Ingeniería Energética
Escuela de Ingeniería de Bilbao